Your Way to God’s Way
Thinking through to see God’s perspective is Biblical meditation. Your children might benefit by your helping them learn this. Admit the issues they confront, but think through them till they see the righteousness of God as He has declared it. Here is an example:
The world encourages us to pursue our own way I must be free to express myselfThis seems a more loving way than saying, “Follow GOD”
Isn’t such openness commendable?
Does my way oppose GOD?
Then I thought what wise path shall I pursue where GOD has not been?
If I pursue my way would I not destroy the creation of GOD?
Would I not question His wisdom with my own?
Can I challenge GOD and prevail? There is death in my path
Where is my strength?
Then let me join with GOD in His work
Change my heart to be with You.
But then He says you must trust Me to change you
You plan is not Mine.
You must walk in Faith to join Me Live in My instruction Hold My hand
And I will change your heart.
YOURS will be my way.
As you help your child think through you are training them to have and see the Godly perspective on life. Of course you must learn to meditate on the issues and questions of life. Meditate with faith in God and wrestle with the issue till you stand in the way of God, seeing the beauty of His way. This can help you and your child see through the deceptions of the world.