GK Chesterton Quotes
GK Chesterton (1874 – 1936) had a great influence on his generation and CS Lewis. He was writer, and journalist among other things. His defense Christian thinking is considered classic and still influences many today.
From The Everlasting Man GK Chesterton (Introduction about some of those aggressively critical of Christianity)
They cannot get out of the penumbra of Christian controversy. They cannot be Christians and they can not leave off being Anti-Christians. Their whole atmosphere is the atmosphere of a reaction: sulks, perversity, petty criticism. They still live in the shadow of the faith and have lost the light of the faith.
GK Chesterton The Everlasting Man (Introduction talking about Critics)
It is because the critics are not detached that they do not see this detachment; it is because they are not looking at things in a dry light that they cannot see the difference between black and white. It is because they are in particular mood of reaction and revolt that they have a motive for making out that all the white is dirty grey and the black is not so blactk as it is painted. I do not say there are not human excuses for their revolt; I do not say its is not in some ways sympathetic; what I say is that its not in any way scientific. An iconoclast may be indignant; an iconoclast may be justly indignant; but an iconoclast is not impartial. And it is stark hypocrisy to pretend that nine-tenths of the higher critics and scientific evolutionists and professors of comparative religion are in the least impartial. Why should they be impartial, what is being impartial, when the whole world is at war about whether one thing is a devouring superstition or a divine hope ?
GK Chesterton The Everlasting Man The Man in the Cave comments on evolution
The matter here is one of history and not of philosophy so that it need only be noted that no philosopher denies that a mystery still attaches to the two great transitions: the origin of the universe itself and the origin of the principle of life itself. Most philosophers have the enlightenment to add that a third mystery attaches to the origin of man himself. In other words, a third bridge was built across a third abyss of the unthinkable when there came into the world what we call reason and what we call will. Man is not merely an evolution but rather a revolution.